January 22, 2011

Sample Cover Letters

 Sample cover letters to get the job you want.

A resume without a hard hitting cover letter makes little or no impact and will probably land up in the trash can. A specific, personalized cover letter that highlights your suitability for the job will get the reader's attention and ensure that your resume gets serious consideration. 

A resume without a hard hitting cover letter makes little or no impact and will probably land up in the trash can. A specific, personalized cover letter that highlights your suitability for the job will get the reader's attention and ensure that your resume gets serious consideration.

Research has shown us what works when writing a cover letter and what doesn't. These sample cover letters, each designed for a specific job type, use these key criteria to provide a practical model from which to customize your own personal and unique cover letter. 

Criteria for a successful cover letter
  • Keep it to one page in length. The reader does not have time to go through pages of text before deciding whether to look at your resume or application. They want a cover letter that is to the point and easy to read.
  • Get the readers attention straight away. You can do this with the appearance and layout of your letter. It should be in a clear and easy to read type, well laid out, and if you are mailing your letter use good quality stationery.
  • Customize each cover letter with an inside address, do not use To Whom It May Concern. Cover letters are most effective when addressed to an individual.
  • Personalize the greeting by getting the name of the reader. Call the company and get the full name and correct spelling of the recipient. Addressing the letter to someone by their name grabs their interest.
  • State your objective in the first paragraph to keep the reader's interest. Why are your writing this letter? What is the benefit of reading this letter for the recipient? Build an immediate connection to the reader.
  • The second paragraph is the right place to highlight your specific skills and abilities and how they meet the requirements of the job opportunity. Summarize why you are the right person for the job. Relating your strengths to the needs of the company and the job immediately indicates that you have spent time thinking about the job. It shows your cover letter is directed towards this job and is not generic. Create the desire to find out more about you by reading your resume. Keep it short and to the point so that you don't lose the reader's interest
  • Your closing should also be concise. Make a strong closing statement and motivate the reader to take action. Let the reader know what you want - an interview, an opportunity to call. Explain when, where and how you can be contacted. You can proactively tell the reader that you will follow up at a certain point in time. Thank the reader. 


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