March 28, 2011

Common Mistakes When Writing a Resume

With so many people competing for jobs, employers are finding themselves swamped with stacks of resumes. Employers are now looking for resumes that standout from the pile. The key to landing a job interview is to present a strong and effective resume. A resume that is filled with errors will only end up in the waste basket. The following is a list of common mistakes people make when writing a resume:

1.  No Cover Letter: Employers want to see a cover letter with a resume. A cover letter is your introduction and summarizes your job intentions.

Typing Errors: A resume with typos and grammatical errors will make an employer think that you do not pay attention to details. A computer spell check does not always pick up every mistake. Proofread your resume and then have a friend read it.

Disorganized Content: It is important to list the most important information at the top of the resume. Experience and employment history are the most important parts of the resume. Your hobbies should be placed near the end of the resume. Make sure your information is easy to read. Filter out information that is not relevant to the job.

Unprofessional Email Address: Email addresses should not be amateurish. For instance, is not appropriate. A better email would be

Layout Lacking Consistency: You should have equal spacing between headings. Your margins should be equal. Include dates on your resume. A recommended font size is 11 or 12. When using verbs, make sure you are using the correct verb tense. Use different action verbs when highlighting your skills. Do not use abbreviations or contractions.

Unclear Focus: Your resume should be written to match your experience and education with the job you are seeking. You want the employer to think that you are the best person for the job.

Boring Content: Your resume should tell a mini story about your experience and education. Don't just list your duties. Highlight valuable experience to show why you should be chosen for the job. Do not use phrases such as "responsibilities included" or "duties included."

Lacking Extracurricular Activities: Employers want to read about additional activities such as certificates of achievement, training, volunteer experience, and awards. This will show employers that you are outgoing and well-rounded. When listing your achievements, make sure you emphasize the results of your work.

Key skills Do Not Stand Out: Use a format such as "bullets" to highlight skills the employer will like. You want to show the employer that you will be an asset to the business.

Inappropriate Personal Information: Don't put in personal information such as gender and age. Do not include a picture of yourself. Keep your personal and professional life separate in order to be taken seriously.

Inaccurate Information: It is important that you do not lie or embellish. It would be embarrassing if you were caught lying. Your resume should be truthful.

Job Experience Too Old: It is important not to go back too far when listing your employment experience. If you are older, employers will not want to see what summer job you had in high school.

A resume is the entryway to a job interview. It is important to understand that your resume is a marketing tool, not an autobiography. Make your resume an interesting read. A resume should be written so that it is focused on the job position. When you write a professional resume that stands out from the others in the pile, you will have a better chance of getting your dream job.

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